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Just who do you really know?

You would think that after all these years, my husband would know everything there was to know about me. As a matter of fact, we met on July 4th of 1992, so this weekend is very special to us. (And ask him if he actually threw some watermelon at me...) But I digress..

while listening to some "oldies" in the car one day, I surprised him.

A song on the playlist sent me back 35 years, at least. I was transported in my mind, back to the living room of my best friend's home. There I was, doing my best to impress the judges (my two best friends) with my cartwheels, flips and interpretive moves to the music. We held these dance competitions often, sometimes even enlisting Mom-Judges. Bless their hearts. I must have been out of my mind to mention such deep thoughts, but upon opening my mouth and explaining the reason for my loud outburst of laughter, my husband was quite humored and amazed. He said that in all our years of marriage he’d never heard about my "competitions." Can you imagine that? This wonderful man who knows and loves me, didn't know about my own personal "Dancing With the Stars" moments. Of course, that doesn't mean he doesn't know me. On the contrary, he knows me better than anyone. However, I guess what it does mean is that there is still more of me to be known! In John 14:9, while Jesus was speaking with the disciples before His death, Philip told Jesus to show them the "Father" and it would be okay. To which Jesus replied, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip?" That was my question to myself, as I read the passage: "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Belinda?" Now, I know Jesus. I have been a Believer for a LOOONNGGG time. However, sometimes when you are with someone for a LOOONNGGG time, you think you know them completely. You might get a little arrogant in your relationship and complacent in how you treat them. Your approach to them and your responses to them might become automatic and almost unfeeling. You might possibly allow yourself to become too familiar, so much so, that the "newness" of the “old” relationship wears off. Unfortunately, marriage can be an example of this. Husbands and wives sometimes forget that in order to have a thriving, growing relationship that lasts, you have to make your relationship a priority. You must continue to get to know your spouse, every day. And to get to know them - really know them - you must invest time, effort, and a whole lot of fun. You must continue working to KNOW the other person, for there is more of them to know! Translate those thoughts into your relationship with the Lord. Have you been with Him (like me) a LOOOONNGG time? If so, are you intentionally STILL searching Him out, reading His Word daily, filling your heart with His thoughts, just so that you can know Him - so you can find out that there is more of Him to be known? If not, if you are stuck in a mundane relationship with Jesus, can I challenge you today? Seek Him out. Desire to know Him and be known by Him on every level. Make an intentional effort to find out what Jesus thinks about your day...your finances...your relationships...YOU! He wants to be known by you, and He promises that when you seek Him, He will let you find Him (Jer. 29:13)! He will come and speak with you and tell you great and mighty things which you didn't know beforehand (Jer. 33:3). There is more of Him to be known, my friend...soooo much more. Jesus, I want to know You, today. I want to seek You out and find You. I want You to speak to me through Your Word. I want to be in relationship with friendship with You. Thank You for wanting the same thing from me. I love You, Lord.

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