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Peace on My Screens

I searched the word “gentleness” online this morning. defined the adjective as “kindly; amiable; not severe, rough or violent; mild.”

Hmm…sounds nice, doesn’t it? I would love to see a whole lot more “gentleness” these days. I think we all would…at least most of us.

The evening news, the home page on my e-mail account, social media – it seems all the rage to NOT be gentle. People everywhere are using strong, harsh words and actions to show their disapproval of what is happening in our day and time, politically and economically. And it seems the tension is growing.

In addition, I also searched “images” for the word “gentleness.” Pictures of adult hands cradling the hands of a toddler abounded, along with other images of sheep and fruit trees and rolling hills. On occasion, there was the picture of Christ holding a lamb or speaking to a child.

Yep, that’s what I’m after…a little more gentleness to quiet my spirit…a little more peace on my screens.

Now, the people who publish the harsh words and overly strong comments might say, “Yes, but this is wrong and someone’s gotta say something. Somebody’s gotta set the records straight, and people won’t listen unless you scream or rant or show your anger!”

I agree things need to be said and questions need to be answered. However, people don’t listen better as you scream or rant or show your anger. They only become more defensive in posture and increasingly more angry.

I’ve seen it a million times with my kids, personally experienced the results with my own temper, and yes, watched it unfold into mania on the screen. Harshness and cruel speech or actions only cause to incite a problem, not solve the issue.

Christ calls those who are Believers (those who call themselves Christians) to gentleness. He never gives us an excuse in Scripture to attack or belittle others because we disagree…or even when we know they are wrong.

Philippians 4:5 says, “Let your gentleness be known to all. The Lord is near.” There is no “except” or “unless” in this verse. As Believers in Christ, our words…our actions…our Facebook posts are all to exude gentleness.

Now, does that mean as Christ followers, we can’t speak the Truth - that we can’t say what needs to be said in this day and time – that we must be wishy-washy and weak? No. Not at all.

On the contrary, we always NEED to say what NEEDS to be said, but we say it in a way full of power – with gentleness. Believe it or not, gentleness has much more of an effect than harshness or anger ever could.

Proverbs 25:15 says, “By forbearance (or patience) a ruler may be persuaded, and a soft tongue breaks the bone.” How about them apples? Earlier in the book of wisdom - it says, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger,” (Proverbs 15:1).

There’s power in gentleness…power strong enough to diffuse arguments and even “break bones.” As Believers, we are called AND commanded to this gentle behavior and speech. We are to be different than the rest of the world, so that they can see Christ in us.

So, the next time you and I find ourselves about to post something harsh and condemning on social media or in a conversation where dissension exists, may we remember the law of gentleness. May we let it rule what proceeds onto our screens from our fingers, as well as what comes forth from our mouths.

“Father, I want to be like You. I want You to be seen in me, and it’s really hard to do these days. Please direct my thoughts to You and how I can please You with the things I do and say…in every way. Thank You!”

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