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A Knock on the Window

Thud…thud…thud…over and over again. The sound echoed throughout the living room. I had heard this a few times over the last couple of days, but it wasn’t until my husband shed some light on the mystery that it made sense.

Steve said a robin had been slamming his poor little body against our sunroom window. My first thought? He simply wanted to “get at” the other bird flying towards him in the reflection. My next thought was that maybe he was just trying to get in and chat with us about the neglected bird feeders hanging in the trees.

Nonetheless, there was no way that Little Mr. Robin was going to get through those windows and into my house - no matter how hard he worked at doing so. It didn’t matter if he was desperate. It didn’t matter if he was determined. It didn’t matter if he began an avian workout routine to buff up and become the best little robin he could be. He just didn’t have and would never have access by invitation. All his effort and bruising would be in vain.

That is, unless we opened the window and invited him in. We are, after all, the owners of this home. If we wanted to, we could entertain confused little robins couldn’t we? We could allow them access to our home and hang bird feeders full of delectable treats…just for them. We could…and yet, robins don’t belong in our home.

So, their access is denied.

Hmmm…this brought to mind John 14:6 – “I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, and no one comes to the Father but by Me.” In this statement, Christ told the disciples - and us, too - that in order to get to His Father, we would have to go through Him (Jesus) first.

There is no other way. There is no other access. We can’t trust in our good works or our prolific giving or even our good name to gain access to the Father. If we could, then Jesus would have qualified His statement. He would have said something like, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to Father apart from Me and his natural ability and desire to imitate Me.”

Christ made it clear. His payment for our sins alone is the Way. None of us will ever get to the Father by trying to be good enough. None of us will ever receive Heaven based on our goodness or our giving or even our deep desire. We must go the way of the cross. We must trust our salvation is fully bound and secured in the payment and power of Christ. Today, if you’re one of those struggling “robins” trying to gain access to the Father’s house on your own, I want to pray for you. Know that I am praying for you now – even as I write this – that you would come to realize and know that in order to have access to the “house,” you must be allowed in by its Owner…and to gain an invitation, you must know Christ…for He is THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life. If you try to gain access any other way, you’ll just continue to beat your head against the proverbial window in futility.

Don’t be that robin…please. Trust in Christ for salvation. Do it today!

“Thank You Father, that You have given us access to You through the life and blood of Jesus Christ. Thank You for His death on the cross…for making Him who knew no sin to be sin for us. Thank you that You made the Way, for You knew that we could not and would never be able to. Thank You for that Gift.”

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